About Us

Hill Park Ward, Independence Missouri Stake of Zion
Our Mission
  • Living the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Serving other women and their families in need.
  • Build Zion by uniting sisters of all faiths.
Service Projects

Emma Smith

Sister Emma Smith was president of the largest group of Sisters Building Zion ever created. She united those of different faiths to give charitable service and hope to those in need and to the down-trodden.

Now, 180 years later, as disciples of Jesus Christ, and following Emma’s example to women world-wide, Sisters Building Zion are again uniting to give unconditional refuge to all women of any faith and their families

Welcome Sister!
Thank you for joining us as we unitedly seek to establish Zion!

Please give us your name, phone number and email, and let us know which of the following you would like to participate in:

Upcoming Events

Hill Park Christmas Party and Cookies

Dec 15th at 6:30 pm. at Stake Center.

Dec 19th, 12:00 noon, at Stone Church

April 5th, 2024; time TBA at Stone Church

Get in touch



Contact Infomation

Hill Park Ward, Independence Missouri Stake of Zion



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